Monday, September 16, 2019

2019 The Definitive Guide To LINK BUILDING

Yes, link building is still the most important skill in SEO (Search Engine Optimization). 

It is generally said that If you want more search Engine Traffic then link building is a must.

What is Link Building?

Link building, simply put, is the process of getting other websites to link back to your website. Building links is one of the many tactics used in search engine optimization (SEO) because links are a signal to Google that your site is a quality resource worthy of citation. 

Note : In fact, it’s a culmination of several different skills: you need to master content, sales, programming, psychology, and good old-fashioned marketing if you want other people to link to your site.

Google has recently stated that backlinks are one of their top 3 ranking signals.....

Why Link Building is so important?

To understand that, we have to go back to the pre-Google days of the internet when search engines like Yahoo! and Alta Vista (remember them?) were the dominant players. And they ranked their search results 100% based on the content on a webpage.

Then, came the Google that totally changed the game...Instead of simply analyzing the content of a page, Google looked at how many people linked to that page.

Still, to date, Links are the best way to determine the quality of a webpage. That’s why backlinks remain Google’s go-to ranking signal.

And Updates like Google Penguin, Google now focuses on link quality (not just link quantity).

So, now you have realized the importance of link building. Let's dive into more detail

Types of links

No-Follow Links Vs Do-Follow Links

No-Follow tag is a way that allows webmasters to tell search engines “Don't follow links on this page or Don't follow this specific link. A link can have one or more rel attributes, where “rel” is short for “relationship”. These attributes help define the relationship a link has with a page that it points to.

rel=”nofollow” is a tag added to a link that tells search engines: “Don’t count this link as an endorsement.”.

Dofollow is a descriptor of links describing that search engines crawl them and count them as votes of quality. By default, all links are do-follow links unless they are modified to be nofollow links manually or are automatically changed by a website setting. Search engines crawlers follow do-follow links.

Note: So, in Link building, Do-follow links have more importance. When it comes to SEO, you want to get normal, “do follow” links whenever possible.

Here, is the Complete detail to Link Building Techniques:

Guest Blogging: Guest Blogging is the most frequently used strategy for earning backlinks. The approach is preferred by several digital marketers and guest bloggers as its a sure-shot way to reach a broad audience who have an interest in your niche.

Here, are some simple steps to Guest Blogging 

Choose any topic from any particular domain

- Now contact several editors who might be interested in your topic and might give you a backlink
- As per the discussions submit the guest post including the backlink.
- Once your article with the link and the credit is live, its time to promote the article to as many channels as you can.
Guest posting, when done in the right way, will help in establishing long-term relationships with the editor.
Discover Competitors Backlinks
If you research your competitors, you will probably notice that they have some backlinks in common which you don’t have yet. All you have to do is analyze these backlinks and try to get them as well. There are some tools that help you in checking the Competitors Backlinks and those are:
Profile creation is one link building technique in which we create a profile on different platform's website such as forum sites, social networking etc… 
We give all our business details and our website link in that profile page. And From there we can get a backlink to our website.

Blog-commenting: Blog commenting is still the effective strategy of getting more page visits, backlinks etc. But, I believe that you should only post GENUINE, meaningful posts if you are thinking to get some traffic to your site. Blog commenting only works great if you put down efforts in writing an authentic comment on other blogs.

Forum Submission: A Web forum is a website or section of a website that allows visitors to communicate with each other by posting messages. Most forums allow anonymous visitors to view forum postings but require you to create an account in order to post messages in the forum. This is one the white hat SEO technique to earn quality backlinks to your website.

Infographic Submission: An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic. Infographics use striking, engaging visuals to communicate information quickly and clearly.

These are some of the link building techniques that I have explained above. But For building quality links there is n number of techniques like:
  • Skyscraper technique
  • Broken Link Building Technique
  • Local Listing
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Question and Answers.......

1 comment:


5 AWESOME KEYWORD RESEARCH TOOLS In the sea of SEO experts and bloggers trying to get recognized with this tiny effort of writing not so ...

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